Spider-Man: Far From Home


Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy

Duration: 2h 9m

Release Date: Disney has announced that “Spider-Man: Far From Home” will be coming to Disney+ in the United Kingdom and Ireland on Friday, 25th November 2022.

Age rating: PG-13 (Sci-Fi action violence, some language)

Distributor: Sony Pictures Entertainment, Columbia Pictures

Where to watch: Youtube, Google Play Movies and TV (2.99), Apple TV (3.99)

Director: Jon Watts

Jon Watts (director)

Producer: Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal

Cast: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Jake Gyllenhaal and Samuel L. Jackson

Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal (producers)



Following the heartbreaking events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), our friendly neighborhood superhero decides to take a break from being spiderman and join his friends on a european vacation. However, his plans soon take an unexpected turn when Nick Fury shows up in his hotel room to recruit him for a mission.  The world is in danger as four massive elemental creatures -- each representing Earth, air, water and fire emerge from a hole torn in the universe. Soon, he receives help from Mysterio, a fellow hero with mysterious origins. 

My personal opinion

Words cannot even describe how much I LOVE this film - the stunts, the concept, the settings, the plot, the acting, the characters... I must have watched this movie like a hundred billion times and I still never get bored of it. 100/10! Definitely watch it if you haven't already and if you have...watch it again!

I especially love the love story between MJ and Peter Parker. In Spider-Man: Homecoming MJ was a loner. An outcast. An observer. And it was very clear to the audience that she had her guard up so to see Peter slowly bring down her walls in this movie to me is very very sweet. 

My favourite quotes from this film are...

(Not in order)

  1.  "EDITH Stands For 'Even Dead, I'm The Hero.'"
  2. "And Therefore I Have Value?"
  3. “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference.”
  4. "Everywhere I go, I see his face. I just really miss him"

Happy Watching! 
